Our Aims and Objectives
Bleep101 aims to increase preparedness and confidence among final year medical students for their first ward cover shifts as F1s. Our simulated on-call programme is designed to focus on skills such as:
A mixture of medical, surgical, prescribing, communication and distractor scenarios are delivered via bleeps. The sessions require students to prioritise a series of tasks and decide which to attend.
Students are required to gather information over the phone, communicate with other healthcare professionals, and handover to other members of the team
Escalating to seniors
The variety of scenarios allows students to decided whether a situation needs escalating to a senior colleague and practice communicating this across.
On-call Scenarios
Want to design your own circuit of scenarios or use one of our ready made circuits? You can now either personalise your session by browsing through our selection of scenarios or cut straight to it and download a circuit designed by one of our team.
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